NYC Announces They Will Move The Legendary Bull Statue

The Bull will be moved to protect the safety of New Yorkers.

What We Know:

  • The Charging Bull was created in 1989 and is a symbol of the American Stock Market. A bull thrusting its horns up into the air is a metaphor for upward trends of the market. It’s a popular sight which is usually crowded with tourists.
  • The Bull is protected with temporary concrete blocks. This can’t be permanent due to the “subsurface infrastructure”.
  • The Bull attracts high traffic at Bowling Green Park but it would be easier to manage at the New York Stock Exchange. The Blasio administration announced that the New York Stock Exchange will be paying to move the statue.
  • In addition to the safety concerns of large crowds, they also cited the potential risks after a 2017 terrorist attack where a man driving a pickup truck killed eight people along the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • It is unconfirmed yet where the bull will be placed. Some assume it will be where the Fearless Girl was recently relocated.

Artist Arturo DiModica opposed all these actions and could not compromise when he and city officials met. He went on to say that the Bull was a gift to the city and should never be moved.