Kenya’s High Court Upholds Law Making Gay Sex Illegal

On Friday, Kenya’s High Court was swarming of many disappointed gay rights activist in hopes that the law on “banning same-sex relations” change.

What We Know:

  • According to NYPost, The laws, section 162(a) and (c) and 165 Kenya’s Penal Code, criminalize consensual sexual conduct between two adults of the same sex, an act that as of Friday’s ruling remains punishable by up to 14 years in prison
  • The State of Kenya should not regulate intimacy between gay couples, same-sex relations are in breach of the constitution because they deny basic rights, and that’s not right, An angry activist said.
  • If you didn’t know, same-sex relations have been banned since the British colonized Kenya in the late 19th century. With this in mind, the LGBTQI campaigners have waited for this law to pass since it was brought to the courts in 2016, still, nothing has changed!
  • Tirol Salat, one activist said, “She believed the laws against same-sex have created an environment for them to be fearful, harassed, discriminated and oppressed.” That is a life of stress and depression, people will soon move away and come to America to live a better life where they will be accepted by people.
  • Human rights lawyer at the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Waruguru Gaitho said, “We are prepared for it to be a protracted struggle. We are well aware that the court process is very long and we are all aware that this is a heavily contested issue. Allows multiple appeals. So we will continue to make our case for equality.”

I believe that religion is a big factor in this law, don’t get me wrong, I am religious, but I also am for equality. I believe that everyone should be treated the same. In that case, Kenya should be ashamed that they will not let their people live a stressless life and marry and or love who they want. Hopefully, they will change their minds.