Woman Develops ‘Not Reaching’ Pouch to Save Black Lives During Traffic Stops

Pennsylvania native Jackie Carter was shocked when she heard about the killing of 32-year-old Philando Castile in Minnesota. The story struck a cord in Carter that inspired her to take action and find a solution.

What We Know:

  • Not Reaching was created in 2016. The transparent pouch is just small enough to fit on the air vent on the driver side. It allows a persons license, registration, and insurance to be readily accessible.
  • The mother of one thought that the pouch would prevent young men from reaching around their cars while looking for these documents and potentially avoid having a dangerous encounter with an officer.
  • Valerie Castile, the mother of Philando Castile and supporter of invention, finds it upsetting it had to come down to this. However, she still believes it could’ve saved her sons life.
  • The pouch is currently selling for  $9.99 but carter has given many of them away to drivers in her community and at the events she’ve attended.
  • There are other pouches available on her site with personalized sayings like “Officer, I have autism,” “Officer, I’m hearing impaired,” and “Officer, I am licensed to carry a fire arm.”

Carters not so small idea quickly became a movement that has already impacted the lives of many. The aim is to keep sharing the stories of those impacted by these tragedies, and—with this product—preventing new ones from happening.