Tag: tobacco
Did You Know That Smoking Weed is Now More Popular Than Smoking Tobacco? | VIDEO | EURweb
*(CNN) — “It’s the economy, stupid,” Democrati
CA’s Jan. 1 Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products Delayed After Companies File Signatures to Put Law into Vote
California delays the ban on flavored tobacco products. Tobacco companies led the way, collecting enough signatures to put the law to a statewide vote. What […]
Knock-off Marijuana Vape Tests shows they were Tainted with Hydrogen Cyanide
The dangers of vaping are being shown more every week in the news. Now, a recent CDC report says a rare form of pneumonia is […]
Beverly Hills First City To Ban Tobacco Sales
The future ban on tobacco products in Beverly Hills will cause an uproar in the community and job layoffs. What We Know: On Tuesday, Beverly […]