Chicago Cubs Fan Banned for Flashing ‘White Power’ Symbol Behind Black Reporter

The Chicago Cubs banned a fan who flashed the ‘white power’ symbol on air, behind a black reporter.

What We Know:

  • NBC Sports Chicago reporter and former outfielder for the Cubs, Doug Glanville, was on air during the Tuesday broadcast of the Cubs’ game against the Miami Marlins, when a fan made a hand gesture associated with white supremacy. People who noticed went to Twitter and expressed their disbelief.
  • Crane Kenney, the team’s president of business operations released a statement on Wednesday that said the fan was banned from Wrigley Field for violating the Chicago Cubs Guest Code of Conduct. “We further communicated if he attempts to enter Wrigley Field or other ticketed areas he may be subject to prosecution for criminal trespass to property,” Kenney said.
  • Theo Epstein, the Cubs’ president, called the behavior egregious and mentioned the importance of not tolerating actions that encourage hatred. “There’s no place for it in our society… I think it’s important to have a strong response to send a message that this is a place of inclusion.”
  • The “OK” hand gesture only recently became a symbol of white power. It originated as a hoax meant to bother liberals by members of the website 4Chan but has now become a symbol used by white supremacists and members of the alt-right.
  • The reporter thanked the Chicago Cubs and NBC Sports for launching an investigation and handling the situation with care. “They have displayed sensitivity as to how the implications of this would affect me as a person of color,” Glanville said.

The Cubs have not released the name of the individual to the public.