Stacey Abrams is Still Considering Running for President

Stacey Abrams, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, spoke out about possibly becoming a 2020 Presidential Candidate at a Council on Foreign Relations event.

What We Know:

  • After losing the Georgia gubernatorial race to Brian Kemp, Abrams advised that she is “looking at executive level opportunities.” This does include the position of president but Abrams has not committed to joining the presidential race.
  • In an interview with Pod Save America, Abrams explained what factors are contributing to her decisions to join the race. She advised that her main focus is on fighting voter suppression. “We can not win elections in America or the people if we do not have candidates who are fighting against voter suppression.”
  • Abrams sees a voter suppression as a threat to democracy in the United States. On CNN’s News Day, Abrams stated “voter suppression is real. From making it harder to register and stay on the rolls to moving and closing polling places to rejecting lawful ballots, we can no longer these threats to democracy.”
  • She, along with many voters, feels voter suppression was part of the reason she lost the Georgia gubernatorial race. According to Abrams, Republicans in Georgia are making changes that makes it harder for African-Americans to vote in their state. “We have to have national attention on this national emergency, a real national emergency.”
  • With voter suppression being a concern, Abrams is listening to all the other candidates to see if this is something they are focusing on as well. If the other candidates are in alignment with her focus and have plans in place, then she may not join. “If I think they don’t, I’ll probably jump in myself.”
  • Abrams feels it is still too early to be announcing if she is or isn’t going to join. “I want to see what theses candidates talk about. I think a number of them have been talking about what needs to be done…my goal is to think about whether I should be a part of this conversation.”

Abrams is weighing her options and has considered serving as a candidate for vice president or trying to run for governor of Georgia again.