Biden-Harris Team Release Transition Website

Biden Campaign Raises $26M in 24 Hours After Harris VP Announcement

On Wednesday, November 4, Democratic Presidental candidate Joe Biden launched a transition website with titled “Biden – Harris Transition”.

What We Know:

  • The site features a picture of the former vice president on a solid blue background and directly below is a short paragraph.

“The American people will determine who will serve as the next President of the United States. Votes are still being counted in several states around the country. The crises facing the country are severe — from a pandemic to an economic recession, climate change to racial injustice — and the transition team will continue preparing at full speed so that the Biden-Harris Administration can hit the ground running on Day One.”

  • According to Politico a person close to Biden stated, “You have to proceed as though you are going to become elected, as the campaign has already asserted they will be.”
  • As for president Donald Trump on Wednesday he filed a lawsuit to pause counting of votes in Michigian and Pennsylvania, as well as a recount in Winconsin.
  • In a speech by Biden Wednesday afternoon, he mentioned the lawsuit by stating:

“Now every vote must be counted. No one is going to take our democracy away from us, not now, not ever. America has come too far. America’s fought too many battles, America’s endured too much to ever let that happen. We the people will not be silenced. We the people will not be bullied. We the people will not surrender.”

  • Pennyslvania, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Arizona are the states that are left in the determination of the next president of the United States.

Clark County, Nevada election official Joe Gloria in a press conference stated: “The bulk of our ballots we’re hoping will be ready by Saturday or Sunday, this weekend. And again we won’t complete until Nov. 12 with all of those ballots that serve as exceptions.” Gloria stated that they will continue to deliver and receive ballots postmarked on November 3 through November 10.

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