White House Fence Erected in Anticipation of Election Unrest

As businesses have begun boarding up, the White House has erected a non-scalable fence around its perimeter. The fence serves as a precaution for any civil unrest that may be seen due to the 2020 election. 

What We Know: 

  • The fence covers the perimeter of the White House and spans about 8,800 feet. The material used is to deter climbers, designed, so it is difficult to cut and climb. 
  • In addition to the fence, 250 National Guardsmen are on standby at the White House.
  • A recent USA TODAY poll found that 3 of 4 voters are worried about possible violence on election day. A quarter of pollers were “very confident” that there would be a peaceful transfer of power if Biden were elected.
  • The precautions  are still being put into place, especially if there is no confirmed winner on  November 4th. If no clear winner is decided by then, it is expected that officers will be deployed around the capital. 

The White House isn’t alone in their preparations. Many businesses and stores have begun boarding up in caution to any violence caused by the election outcome or rather lack thereof. 

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