Bernie Sanders Tells Black Student To Respect Police To Avoid Being Shot In The Head

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders has been the talk of the town among Black voters after video surfaced of him making controversial comments to a Black student about policing.

What We Know:

  • Bernie Sanders made his appearance at the Second Step Presidential Justice Forum on Saturday held at Benedict College, an HBCU.
  • An African American student asked Sanders: “If I’m your son, what advice would you give me next time I’m pulled over by a police officer?”
  • Sanders said, “I would respect what they are doing so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head, but I would also be very mindful of the fact that as a nation, we have got to hold police officers accountable for the actions that they commit.” He then continued to say, “I would be very cautious if you were my son in terms of dealing with the police but I would also defend my rights and know my rights and make sure their body camera is on at all times.”
  • Sanders was not met with much applause from the crowd after that answer.
  • Social media users were not tolerating Sanders comment. Some people assumed that Sanders was claiming that all victims of police shootings are rude to officers. On the other hand, others agreed that removing fault in case of a tragic encounter with a police officer is the best idea and  that Sanders wasn’t being heartless, just honest.

It seems like Bernie Sanders has good intentions but in terms of winning over the Black voters, this is not it.