Abortion Restrictions are on the Ballot in Colorado and Louisiana

Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictive Louisiana Abortion Law

Just as the American public’s access to abortions becomes a concern following Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, citizens in Colorado and Louisiana prepare to vote on the hot topic in this upcoming election.

What We Know:

  • Citizens in Louisiana will vote on Amendment 1, “No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment”, which will determine whether or not the state’s constitution allows for the right to an abortion. If the ballot measure is passed, the Amendment would add to the constitution’s Declaration of Rights: “To protect human life, nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”
  • Mary Ziegler, a professor at the Florida State University College of Law, shared with CBS News her speculation that the ballot measure was purely political, stating that “no one is realistically expecting anyone in the Louisiana Supreme Court to find a right to abortion in the state’s constitution, but it is a way for Republicans to signal how they feel about things and get voters excited.” The ballot measure is reflective of Louisiana’s existing pro-life stance on abortion, and is a good indicator on how the state plans to act if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the federal court.
  • In Colorado voters will encounter Provision 115, a measure that aims to ban abortion procedures after the 22-week gestational period. The state, which is currently among one of the few to not impose restrictions based on gestational periods, would completely alter its reputation if the ballot measure in passed. Colorado’s Department of Health reports that 11% of abortion procedures are performed on out-of-state patients.
  • According to CBS News, a slight majority of voters polled disapprove of the measure, however, they have raised over $7million as opposed to the $500,000 raised by the provisions’ supporters.

As the fate of Roe v. Wade lies in the hands of a newly evolved conservative Supreme Court, states are swiftly preparing to reclaim control over their abortion laws in case the nationwide rule is lifted.

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