NYPD Persuaded to ‘Strike’ on July 4th

New York’s finest are being persuaded to strike on July 4th.

What We Know:

  • According to the New York Post, a pair of flyers are making their rounds among NYPD officers and persuading them to call out sick on July 4th. This will supposedly be retribution for police reform and perceived anti-cop climate following the killings of unarmed black men across the country.
  • According to sources, the message being passed among cops via text states, “NYPD cops will strike on July 4th to let the city have their independence without cops”.
  • The message also references the Taylor Law that makes public worker stoppages punishable with fines and jail time. “Cops that say we can’t strike because of the Taylor Law…The people and this city doesn’t honor us why honor them.”
  • Another message read #Bluflu and informs officers to call out sick on Independence Day. It gives instructions for a sickout, telling members to call their precinct and request a sick day. If they are denied, the message instructs them to call the main NYPD sick desk If that doesn’t work, officers are instructed to report for duty — then ask for an ambulance so they can go home sick.
  • “Police officers like you and me took an oath to protect strangers regardless of race, class or gender,” the message reads. “Today we are vilified and must stand as one.”
  • Patrick Lynch, PBA President says the “bluflu” has been a running joke for generations, but the current situation is no joking matter. “Cops have reached the breaking point,” he said.
  • Lynch describes the recent scrutiny cops have been receiving from citizens and politicians as the reason for cops reaching their breaking point. “Over the past few weeks, we have been attacked in the streets, demonized in the media and denigrated by practically every politician in this city” Lynch said. “Now we are facing the possibility of being arrested any time we go out to do our job.”

The NYPD responded to the rumors of the “strike” by stating police will be at work on July 4th, as always.