Activist DeRay Mckesson tests positive for for COVID-19

Baltimore activist DeRay Mckesson revealed on Twitter that he tested positive for COVID-19.

What We Know:

  • According to, activist and author DeRay McKesson confirmed Thursday that he contracted the coronavirus.
  • Mckesson said he got tested in New York where he is currently under quarantine.
  • One of his symptoms was his loss of taste but he said it is now 70% back.

  • The Baltimore activist stated that his doctor said that the loss of taste is a later symptom of the coronavirus and that he suspects he is on the down side.
  • Mckesson also took the time to tweet about COVID-19’s disproportionate effect on African American Communities.

McKesson noted that systematic boundaries stop many citizens in marginalized communities from going to the doctor unless they’re really sick. He is currently working on a program with K Health app that gives residents of Louisianna free access to virtual primary care doctors through April.