Black Woman Becomes the First Doctor to Cure Cancer in Mice Using Nanoparticles

Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green has become the first person to successfully cure cancer in mice using laser-activated nanoparticles, according to Black Culture News.

What We Know:

  • Unlike traditional cancer treatments, Green’s revolutionary and unique nanoparticle technology, which was found to successfully cure cancer after testing on mice within 15 days, does not require chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Green received a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to expand her nanoparticle cancer treatment research.
  • Green’s interest in cancer treatment stems from witnessing the death of her aunt, Ora Lee, who suffered from cancer, and her uncle, General Lee Smith, who was also diagnosed with cancer and experienced the negative side effects of chemotherapy treatment.
  • Green is highly educated. In her pursuit to fight cancer, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in physics and optics from Alabama A&M University and later earned her Master of Science in physics from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, both of which she received full scholarships for. After earning her degrees, she transitioned to the Comprehensive Cancer Center for five years and the Department of Pathology for one year, according to
  • Currently, Green’s Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, the nonprofit she founded in memory of her aunt, is continuing to fight cancer using laser-activated nanoparticles and focusing on its mission to make cancer treatment accessible, affordable, and effective. She devotes time to helping young black students as well.

Strides in cancer treatment/cures are very important. According to the American Cancer Society, in the U.S. alone, an estimated 606,520 people will die  from cancer in 2020. This equates to 1,660 people dying of cancer each day in 2020.