On Trayvon Martin’s 25th Birthday, Twitter Celebrates His Life & Legacy

Today, Trayvon would have been 25, and Black Twitter is celebrating.

What We Know:

  • Twitter users are generating posts to honor Trayvon Martin, who should have been 25 today. 
  • Michael Skolnik (founding partner of creative agency We Are Soze), tweeted that he’d like to raise a $10,000 donation for the Trayvon Martin Foundation.

  • Firstly, Trayvon continues to be a motivation for the continued work for social justice; in preserving the lives of young black innocent youth. 

  • Black Twitter noted Trayvon’s tremendous potential as an aviation student; informing, that the young-king studied with brilliant leaders, like Barrington Irving. Irving was the first black person to pilot a plane around the world alone.

  • There’s even a post with the dearly departed basketball and rap icon Kobe Bryant and Nipsey Hussle, Sybrina Fulton (Trayvon’s mother), and Tracy Martin (Trayvon’s father) all wearing t-shirts displaying the young-king. 

  • Trayvon Martin lost his life in February 2012. At the time, unarmed Trayvon, 17, was confronted and shot by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman claimed the unarmed teen looked suspicious and continued to stalk the teen, killing him near his home. Trayvon’s death has sparked debates over the bases of racial tensions, vigilantism, police practices, and gun laws (read more on Mother Jones). 

Happy birthday Trayvon! He will be forever in our thoughts.