Bronx Abduction Story – UPDATE

Video footage of 16-year-old Karol Sanchez being abducted on the street in the Bronx was staged.

What We Know:

  • A statewide Amber Alert was placed on the teenager after the alleged abduction. Just 12 hours after she was taken, Sanchez resurfaced unharmed near the same intersection where the kidnapping took place.

  • Tommy Feliciano, an eyewitness, told CBS New York that he spotted Sanchez on the street. “We was at the pole over there, looking at her picture, and we walked up the block, she was crossing the street to the cop car, and I was like ‘Yo, that’s her right there,’” he said.
  • The NYPD celebrated her safe return, but later sources told CBS New York that Sanchez was taken to a police precinct where she confessed to staging the abduction.

  • An NYPD source told the NY Post that Sanchez orchestrated the abduction to prevent her mother from moving the family back to Honduras. “Her mother wanted to move them back to Honduras, but she [Karol] was adamantly against it,” the source stated. Authorities believe that the four men seen in the video surveillance footage of the kidnapping are friends of Sanchez’s. Police are still investigating the situation and have not charged any of the individuals involved.

We will continue to follow this story and provide updates.