Ayanna Pressley Turns Away From The Squad And Endorses Elizabeth Warren

Rep. Ayanna Pressley broke away from Alexandria Cortez and Ilhan Omar this week by endorsing Elizabeth Warren over Bernie Sanders.

What We Know:

  • Cortez and Omar have been open about their support for Sanders in these past couples of weeks. They have even made speeches at his campaign rallies.
  • Pressley, on the other hand and strayed from Sanders and moved to Warren. She went on to say that “The American people deserve to be represented by elected officials who see them, who listen to them, and who fight for them,” according to the Daily Wire.
  • Both Sanders and Warren are competing for the far-left side to reach the nomination so these endorsements can give us an understanding of how much effect “The Squad” has in influencing our politics.
  • Currently, a new Quinnipiac University poll shows Warren leading with 20% and Sanders with 17% in Iowa. The Iowa caucuses are less than 3 months away and are generally the first indicator of who the “winners” and “losers” of the race may be.

Warren and Sanders will prepare to do battle at the next Democratic Debate on Nov. 20 in Atlanta. For the most part, they have tried to avoid any attacks on each other so we’ll see if they turn the knives on each other.