McDonald’s CEO Fired after Inappropriate Relationship with Employee Revealed

Former CEO of McDonald’s Steve Easterbrook has been fired due to a consensual relationship that violated the companies policy.

What We Know:

  • In a company statement, they remarked that Easterbrook had “demonstrated poor judgment.” Easterbrook wrote in an email to employees “Given the values of the company, I agree with the board that it is time for me to move on.” McDonald’s has declined to answer any questions about the identity of the partner, according to the New York Times.
  • Employees had mixed opinions about Easterbrook as their CEO, supporters of Easterbrook cited innovations he made to turn McDonald’s back around.
  • Other workers have complained about their pay and stated that McDonald’s ignored sexual harassment cases in the company.  Tanya Harrell, a McDonald’s worker stated “With the firing of Steve Easterbrook, we now know why,” she said. “It’s clear McDonald’s culture is rotten from top to bottom. McDonald’s needs to sit down with worker-survivors and put them at the center of any solution.”

Chris Kempczinski served as president of McDonald’s USA and will be the new CEO.