Kirk Franklin Announces Boycott against Dove Awards,TBN, & Gospel Music Association

Kirk Franklin announced a boycott for the Dove Awards after TBN network edited his acceptance speech.

What We Know:

  • Kirk Franklin recently announced his boycott for Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Gospel Music Association, and the Dove Awards through an Instagram TV post, which has since gained over 140,000 views. “Today I feel like quitting I am heartbroken that I even have to share this with you,” he said. Franklin expressed how he felt as though it’s his responsibility as a Christian and a man of color to address the unjust killing of black people at the hands of police officers. However, Trinity Broadcast Network doesn’t seem to be in agreement with him.
  • Although Kirk Franklin is a 21-Time Dove winner, this isn’t his first encounter with having his acceptance speeches edited. This has happened in the past. But, Franklin was assured that it wouldn’t happen again. Franklin was unaware of the edits until they aired his acceptance speech. This year, Franklin wanted to focus on the killings of Atatiana Jefferson, Philando Castille, and Walter Scott.
  • “Unfortunately, when that speech aired on the Christian network TBN, that part of my speech was edited out. I made my disappointment and frustration known to the Dove Awards Committee and to the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I never heard from TBN and the Dove Awards committee promised to rectify the mistake so it wouldn’t happen again. In 2019 history repeated itself… I brought attention to the murder of Atataiana Jefferson… I asked everyone in the audience and those viewing to join me in prayer… and also for the family of the police officer. Last week during the airing of the awards on the same network, again, that part of my speech was edited out,” he said.
  • Ultimately, Franklin has decided not to attend any future events hosted by the Dove Awards or any events affiliated with the company until they make efforts to rectify this ongoing issue. Franklin has grown frustrated and will no longer tolerate the mistreatment. He believes there is still hope for reconciliation, but would like for the Dove Awards and Trinity Broadcasting network to take accountability for their actions.
  • Franklin has received plenty of support on his post from many Black gospel artist including Marvin Sapp, Jonathan Nelson and Jason Nelson who have each expressed that they were standing with Kirk Franklin.
  • The Gospel Music Association released a statement directly from the President & Executive producer, Jacki Patillo, in response to Franklin’s video where they assured Franklin that they heard his message. “Due to our broadcast window, we had to significantly edit the Dove telecast to 2 hours, which aired Sunday, October 20th.  In light of this, we understand that many were disappointed because there were so many memorable moments and noteworthy portions of acceptance speeches absent,” she wrote.

We understand that there is a broadcast window for all networks however it’s no coincidence that only the parts of his speech about the injustice of African Americans is continuously edited out.