Three Women Have Been Charged for Running an Elderly Fight Club at Nursing Home

Three young African-American women were charged with running an elderly fight club inside a nursing home.

What We Know:

  • Earlier this month, 20-year-old Tonacia Tyson, 26-year-old Taneshia Jordan, and 32-year-old Marilyn McKey were accused of running a fight-club operation inside a North Carolina elderly assisted living home. A spokesperson for the Winston-Salem Police Department stated that the three young women are facing assault charges.
  • Danby House is an eldercare facility in North Carolina that cares for patients battling with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. BuzzFeed News reports that investigations on the fights began in June when Winston-Salem police were first made aware of the abuse.
  • According to video footage of one incident, you can see two elderly women fighting, one falling to the bed, yelling, “Let go, help me,” repetitively, while the other woman continues to fight her. You can also see in the video that the workers are instigating the fight by yelling out, “Punch her in the face!” To the elderly woman asking for help, they yelled “Stop screaming, (expletive).” Another coworker is asking one of the women if she is filming the fight and to send it to her afterward.
  • When the police sat the women down and began to interrogate them, they asked the women why would they want to make these elderly and innocent residents fight each other. One woman said that one of the residents in the video was a “pain in the butt” and that’s also why they recorded the fight.
  • Tyson, Jordan, and Mckey have all been charged with assaulting an individual with a disability. They are currently out on bond and are scheduled to appear in court on November 14. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has banned any new residents, following the abuse allegations. A representative from Danby House spoke to Fox 8 expressing that Tyson, Jordan, and McKey have all lost their jobs amid this horrible incident and are taking this time to not only strengthen their hiring process but, to also give the current staff more training.

I don’t know about you all but, this definitely has me looking at all elderly care places a little different now. What about you all? Let us know in the comments!