Felicity Huffman Is Released from Prison After Serving 11 Days

Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman was released from prison on Friday, October 25 after serving eleven days of her fourteen-day sentence.

What We Know:

  • In May of this year, 56-year-old Felicity Huffman pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. She also admitted to paying an admission’s consultant to correct her daughter’s answers on her SAT. Huffman says she thought about doing the same for her youngest daughter but, decided against it instead. “My mind keeps returning to the 30-minute drive to the testing center. I kept thinking, ‘Turn around'”, the Emmy-award winning actress says.
  • According to Program Statement 5140.36, Huffman was released from prison early due to her original release date being on a weekend and inmates who are released during the weekend or on a legal holiday must be released on the last preceding weekday. “I’m sorry to you, judge, I am deeply sorry to the students and parents and colleges impacted by my actions. I am sorry to my daughters and my husband. I have betrayed them all,” stated a tearful Huffman to the judge.
  • Huffman reported to the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California on Tuesday, October 15. While she surrendered, a representative for Huffman voiced the following: “Ms. Huffman is prepared to serve the term of imprisonment Judge Talwani ordered as one part of the punishment she imposed for Ms. Huffman’s actions.” Huffman was also ordered to pay a $35,000 fine and to perform 250 hours of community service.
  • “I think this is the right sentence here,” said U.S. District Court Judge Indira Talwani to Huffman during her sentence. “You can move forward and rebuild your life after this. Without this sentence, I think the community around you would ask why you got away with this.” Of course, this is a clear case showing the desperate lengths the rich and famous will go in order to secure a spot for their children’s future college choice.
  • Huffman says her 19-year-old daughter Sophia asked her why didn’t she believe in her. Her answer? “I had no answer. I can only say I’m sorry, Sophia. I was frightened, I was stupid and I was so wrong.” Huffman states that she is “deeply ashamed” and takes “full responsibility” for her actions.

Glad to hear that she knows she’s wrong. Let’s hope this doesn’t dim her light in Hollywood.