Ohio Mother Awakes To Intruder Attempting to Bathe Her Toddler

Areica Hill (31) of Columbus, Ohio was awakened to find an intruder, 22-year-old Elizabeth Hixon, attempting to give her 2-year-old son a bath.

What We Know:

  • Hill and her boyfriend were awakened by the sound of barking and a leash being dragged on the floor throughout her apartment. She discovered a black-and-white dog and a white woman in her home.
  • “I get up and I walk to my door and the way my house is set up, I can look down the hall,” Hill explained to NBC4. “I see a white female lady, bent over the tub, with my 2-year-old in the tub.”
  • Hill says she fought the woman off, while her boyfriend held her down while they waited for police to arrive.
  • Hixon allegedly entered the home to provide care to a juvenile, which was allegedly outside of the home at the time. On the phone, Hixon’s mother told NBC4 that her daughter had good intentions and that her heart was in the right place.
  • Hill says that she has never met Hixon before and goes on to tell NBC4 that she has never heard of anything like this in her life.

Hixon was arrested and charged with burglary and has since posted bond.