Poll says over 50% of Americans want Trump Impeached and Removed from Office

A Fox News Poll has been released that states over 50% of Americans want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office.

What we know:

  • A new poll from Fox News found a majority of registered voters believe Trump should be impeached. The House Democrats have opened an impeachment inquiry into the president over his call to have his Ukrainian counterpart investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
  • 51 percent of Americans said they want Trump impeached and removed from office, while another 4 percent say they would like Trump impeached but not removed. On the other side, 40 percent of voters said they oppose impeachment for one reason or another.
  • Support for Trump’s impeachment and removal has jumped 9 points since July, increasing 11 points among Democrats, 5 points among Republicans and 3 points among independents. Fox News found increased support for Trump’s impeachment among white evangelicals, white men without a college degree and rural white voters.
  • Fox News also found that 66 percent of registered voters said it was “generally inappropriate” for Trump to ask a foreign leader to probe a political opponent. Just 25 percent said this was generally OK. In addition, 48 percent of voters said they believe that Trump is “getting what he deserves” rather than that the inquiry is being pushed by “people out to get him” which 37 percent of Americans believed.

Trump tweeted in reply to the recent survey stating “From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good @FoxNews Poll” which we all know to be untrue.

How do you feel about impeachment? For or against and why or why not?