Knife Attacker in Paris Kills 4 at Police Headquarters

A man went on a stabbing spree in Paris where he left one person in critical condition and killed three men and one woman.

What We Know:

  • This happened days after police went on strike in France over violence towards them. A motive for the attack is unclear.
  • Around 1 p.m. the attacker when into his office building near the Notre-Dame cathedral. He then stabbed two women in a stairway before he was shot by an officer inside the building’s courtyard.
  • The unnamed knife attacker was shot dead by police, according to the BBC.
  • The attacker was a 45-year-old IT specialist who worked for the Paris police force.
  • “I was surprised to hear shooting because this is not a place where you hear that kind of thing. I first thought it was a suicide because there are a lot of those at the moment,” said a witness who was inside the courtyard.

A murder investigation has been launched, said a Paris prosecutor.