NYPD Officer Arrested for Exposing Himself and Making Sexual Advances Towards a Friend’s 10-Year-Old Daughter

An NYPD officer was recently arrested for exposing himself to a 10-year-old girl.

What We Know:

  • Around 7 am on Thursday, September 19, 39-year-old Shaun Frazier was seized outside his Brooklyn home and charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Earlier this month, on September 5th, Frazier’s friend asked him to babysit their 10-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son. It was on this night when the little 10-year-old found Frazier in the kitchen, licking a pair of her panties.
  • Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney Gwen Barnes told the Daily News that “He asked if he could lick her underwear.” Taken aback, the little girl ran to her room and said Frazier asked her to “come into the room where he was on the mom’s bed, where he was masturbating,” explained Barnes. Then, Frazier asked the innocent 10-year-old girl if she would like to watch what he was doing to himself.
  • At the time of the incident, Frazier’s friend was working an overnight shift as a hospital security guard. Prosecutors expressed that the little girl had tried to get in contact with her mother but, Frazier had taken her phone and didn’t give it back to her until he dropped her off at school the next day.
  • Barnes requested for Frazier to be held on a $10,000 bail but, Judge Donald Leo overruled that and ordered him to be held without bond. He also ordered orders of protection for the 10-year-old girl, her little brother and her mother. After his court appearance, Frazier was contacted at his Brooklyn home, where he gave a statement to a Daily News reporter.
  • “I’m innocent. None of this remotely happened. I can’t talk because I’m a police officer. I’m already demonized. I’m a cop. It’s already out there. I read it online. I’m a cop so, I can’t say anything.”

Who do you all believe? The pure, 10-year-old little girl or the guilty until proven innocent police officer? Let us know in the comments!