Cornell Medical School Announces Free Admission for Financial Aid Students

Cornell Medical School announced on Monday that their financial aid students will now be able to attend for free!

What We Know:

  • Starting with the 2019-2020 academic school year, Weill Cornell Medicine School will pay for tuition, housing and living expenses for all of their students that qualify for financial aid.
  • Along with Columbia and New York University’s medical school, Cornell is the third medical school to offer tuition assistance. Many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have announced plans to introduce forgiving student loan debt, making the above-mentioned schools take on the same challenge.
  • Maurice Greenberg, the chairman of The Starr Foundation, and Joan and Sanford Weill, the former CEO’s of Citigroup, have made the largest donation to Cornell’s $160 million scholarship fund. The New York Times reported that Cornell needs an additional $50 million to keep the fund running.
  • According to Cornell Medicine, 50% of their students will graduate debt-free because of this new program. The Association of American Medical Colleges states that in 2018, the median loan debt for medical school students was $194,000.

I don’t know about you guys but, I’m honestly wishing I was in the shoes of some of those blessed med school students at Cornell. Shout out to Cornell for taking a huge weight off of their students’ shoulders!