Wendy Williams Says She Will Have A Prenup In Next Marriage

Wendy Williams has stated that in her next marriage, she will have a prenup.

What We Know:

  • In April of this year, Williams announced that after 20+ years of marriage, she and ex-husband Kevin Hunter were getting a divorce.
  • She also revealed the reasoning behind the divorce: Hunter cheated on her and had gotten the mistress pregnant.
  • Wendy made an appearance on Dr. Mehmet Oz’s show on September 11. She stated the following: “I say this all the time… I’m a wife. I’m not a girlfriend and I will get married again. There will be a prenuptial agreement. And by the way, Mehmet, we will not be living in the same house.”
  • The talk show host also has a couple of requirements for her future beau. He must be “a man with a full career and his own money and his own situation”. Plus, considering her 5’10 height, he has to be 5’8 or taller.

We heard that, Wendy! Do you have any options for who Wendy should consider a future with? Let us know in the comments!