Dome Structures At Kanye West’s Property Taken Down

The county of Calabasas ordered rapper Kanye West to take down the unusual dome homes he was building on his 300-acre property.

What We Know:

  • Neighbors began to complain about the construction noise for the “Star Wars”-inspired buildings as well as the construction vehicles blocking the neighborhood, so the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works finally had to step in.
  • The department contacted West and gave him until September 13 to obtain the necessary permits or demolish the structures, the station reported.
  • A neighbor told CNN affiliate KCAL that “it was obviously an imposition on everybody on the street with very little notice…”
  • KCAL reported that the buildings were being made as “possible low-income housing units or housing for the homeless.” The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works in their own statement said, “It’s the objective of our building officials to help property owners build in a way that protects public safety and is in compliance with state and county codes…”
  • “This is a standard enforcement action for our office, and property owners are given ample time to comply with the order by either removing the unpermitted construction or submitting plans for approval and securing a building permit(s)” they concluded.

Glad that situation is taken care of!