9/11 Victim’s son criticizes Ilhan Omar over previous comments

During a 9/11 memorial, Nicholas Haros Jr. the son of a woman killed during that day attacked Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. This is due to comments she made previously referring to the 9/11 attacks as an event where “some people did something.”

What We Know:

  • Haros Jr. spoke steps away from the former World Trade Center’s south tower, where his mom passed away that day.
  • Omar’s comments came from a speech in March to fundraise for Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), according to the Daily Wire.
  • This received heavy criticism from the right-wing. Everyone was attacking Omar like a punching bag which led Trump to tweet about it.  Congresswoman Rashida Talib stated that people took Omar’s word out of context and called it a biased attack on women of color.

  • Both Talib and Omar support CAIR which is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator towards giving millions of dollars to Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamist fundamentalist militant organization.

Haros Jr. finished by saying “Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?”