North Carolina Court Rules Gerrymandered Maps Violate State’s Constitution

After Republicans in the North Carolina state government re-illustrated the maps for legislative districts in 2017, it was announced on September 3rd that North Carolina had officially ruled in favor of the state’s constitution.

What We Know:

  • “Our heads are spinning here in North Carolina,” said Bob Phillips, the Executive Director of Common Cause North Carolina. “This is a huge win for the voters of North Carolina.”
  • @CommonCauseNC posted a tweet regarding the decision.

  • The state constitution says that partisan gerrymandering refers to redistricting the favors of one political party to carry on the U.S. tradition that began in the 1789 election of the first U.S. Congress.
  • It’s a violation in the U.S. due to the government “cracking” down on districts to help maintain or gain control in specific districts.
  • According to The Washington Post, North Carolina Senate Leader Phil Berger says, “Nearly a decade of relentless litigation has strained the legitimacy of this state’s institutions, and the relationship between it’s leaders, to the breaking point.”

North Carolina officials have until September 18th to redraw the state’s legislative maps. Do you guys think that North Carolina will have the maps completed by then? Let us know in the comments!