Founder of one of the Largest Conversion Therapy Centers Comes out as Gay

McKrae Game, the founder of a conversion therapy center, comes out as gay in a Facebook post. 

What We Know:

  • McKrae Game, now 51, founded the Hope for Wholeness Center in South Carolina in 1999. With this conversion therapy center, he promised to give clients “freedom from homosexuality.” The operation currently operates across 15 states.
  • These conversion centers have been widely and publicly condemned by the American Psychological Association. They have banned in 18 states including Maine which prohibited the practice as of May.
  • McKrae has repeatedly said that LGBTQ+ people who do not change are doomed. But just two years after being fired from the company, he stated he has come out as gay.
  • In a Facebook post on August 25, 2019, Game states “Please, forgive me! I certainly regret where I caused harm. I know that creating the organization that still lives was in a large way causing harm,” he continued. “People reported to attempt suicide because of me and these teachings and ideals. I told people they were going to Hell if they didn’t stop, and these were professing Christians!”
  • He recently did an interview with the Post and Courier where he stated, “Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful because it’s false advertising. I can see how my life could have been used manipulatively, and I’m very sorry for that,” he said. “How can I count all the ways I did wrong? I don’t know that I can. But I’ve tried, and I’m trying.”

Game’s centers have “treated” as many as thousands but he is now calling for the dissolution of all such programs and groups.