Mother, daughter arrested for stealing $200 worth of crab legs

A trip to the grocery store results in a mother and daughter being arrested over crab legs.

What We Know:

  • Felicia Hollins and her daughter Gabrielle Hodges were in a SuperLo Foods in East Memphis when they were caught stuffing crab legs into a purse. 
  • A store manager tried to stop them. The manager was struck in the face twice and the two thieves managed to run away. 
  • The stolen crab legs were worth up to $200. According to one of the managers, crab legs and oxtails are always in high demand.
  • After being identified in a photographic lineup, the two were arrested on charges of theft of property and assault. They later gave a statement admitting to stealing the crab legs without paying for them.

With a court date set these two will definitely reflect on whether a meal was worth their freedom.