Senator Kristen Gillibrand Drops out of 2020 Presidential Race

Senator Kristen Gillibrand announced that she is withdrawing from the Democratic primary after failing to qualify for the debate next month.

What We Know:

  • Gillibrand made the big announcement that she would endorse another candidate in the primary but has not yet made a decision on which candidate it will be.
  • Electing women to Congress was a personal goal and case for Gillibrand and that the next president had to be capable of uniting the country and she suggested that, “a woman might be the best suited for the job.”
  • According to the NY Times, “Gillibrand anchored her candidacy in issues of women equality, with a strong emphasis on abortion rights, she pledged to screen nominees for judgeships based on their support for the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.”
  • Even though Gillibrand’s passion for her position as president didn’t go as planned, she was still able to join the presidential debate and able to qualify for the September debate.
  • “I think being able to have a voice on a debate stage, when other candidates have that, is really important,” Gillibrand said.

Gillibrand said she would return to the Senate and continue to fight for the causes of her presidential campaign.