Democratic Staffers Banned by DHS from Visiting Boarder Facilities

The Department of Homeland Security has blocked House Democratic staffers from the Oversight Committee from touring border facilities over rude behavior.

What We Know:

  • In July, a video of a Maryland Democrat going ballistic at the head of DHS during a hearing went viral after House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings said, “The agency could do better.”
  • According to Fox News, Cummings fired back after the Department of Homeland Security barred Democratic staff from visiting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facilities, alleging they were disruptive during their last trip.
  • Cummings wrote Homeland Secretary Kevin McAleenan a letter that blasted the agency for deciding to block Democratic staffers from visiting CBP facilities.
  • The Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan complained that Cummings’ Democratic staff was rude and dismissive of law enforcement officials during the visit.
  • The Agency and Republicans cited the Democrats’ behavior that interfered with law enforcement operations including, “Refusing to leave the site after their scheduled window, skipping some tours and being rude to officers,” according to Fox.
  • Cummings rejected most of the allegations in his letter. “Committee staff were not rude and never once refused to abide by instructions from agency officials. They comported themselves professionally at all times while defending the authority of Congress,” he stated.
  • The House Member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, previously claimed the border detention centers were exactly like concentration camps and alleged women migrant detainees were told to drink out of the toilet.

Jordan stated that they felt threatened by her approach and her manner, they confiscated Ocasio-Cortez’s phone and they asked her to leave the camp.