Woman Set Home Ablaze After Failed Booty Call

Taija Russell, 29 of New Jersey, was arrested last Tuesday on charges of arson, attempted homicide and aggravated assault for allegedly setting the home of a potential lover on fire.

What We Know:

  • Taija Russell sent around eight text messages to the unidentified victim’s phone, saying “You must wanna die” and went on to say “You wasted my money to come out here.”
  • According to USA Today, after the victim failed to answer the calls and angry texts, Russell drove to a nearby gas station where she purchased lighter fluid, matches and a lighter around 4 a.m on August 4.
  • Russell was arrested in Gloucester Township by members of the Woodbury Police Department on Aug. 13 in connection to the fire that occurred on Aug. 4.
  • The victim escaped his home through a window, scurried to a nearby police station wearing only a t-shirt and covered in soot. He suffered from burns and smoke inhalation.
  • Police say his home and the contents within it were completely destroyed–with the exception to the victim’s dog whom firefighters were able to save.

Taija Russell was transported to the Woodbury Police Department and is being held without bail at the Salem County Jail.