White House communications Director Anothy Scaramucci Pens Op-Ed Criticizing Trump

White House Communications Director Anothy Scaramucci felt it is was time to warn American voters that President Donald Trump shouldn’t be re-elected in the year 2020.

What We Know:

  • Scaramucci said, “I broke from Trump because not only has his behavior become more erratic and his rhetoric more inflammatory, but also because he is incapable of handling constructive criticism.”

  • “While in office, Scaramucci praised Trump at times in public, but in private he lost him as a supporter. As President Trump disapproval had been mounting for years as he failed to lambaste a Neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia, and supported policies to separate migrant children from their families as the southern border,” according to Huffpost.
  • Trump claps back at Scaramucci for criticizing him on TV, Trump said, “Anothy, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it’s not for being the Mooch!”

For the Republican Party, it’s now a decision of whether they want to start cleaning up the mess or continue papering over the cracks Trump has created. We shall see.