Cardi B Interviews Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders

New York natives, Senator Bernie Sanders (Brooklyn) and Grammy winning rapper Cardi B (Bronx), met at Detroit’s TEN Nail Bar to discuss the state of police brutality, immigration and other issues amongst this heated 2020 Presidential race.


  • Cardi B has been very vocal about her political ideologies in the past, now it seems she’s tackling politics head on. In a now deleted Instagram post, Cardi B asked her fans; “If you had a chance to ask one of these Democratic candidates a question what would [you ask]?” The video was viewed over 11 million times.
  • Cardi wasted no time addressing police brutality against black men and minorities calling it a discouragement to fight, and a message that people of color are worthless. “We constantly see our men getting killed everyday, and it seems like nobody cares” Cardi says over a video montage of prolific police killings.
  • Sander’s response was “Obviously we need to end all forms of racism in this country; from Donald Trump down to the local police department… one out of four black men in this country end up in the legal system…so the first thing that we do is make sure that young people in this country, Black and Latino, Native American, get the kind of education and job training they need so they can go out and get good jobs…”
  • Specifically addressing police brutality, Sanders said all police killings must be investigated by the United States Department of Justice, and that those at the federal level need to make sure they do everything that they can to make sure police departments look like “the communities that they serve.” Recently officer Daniel Pantaleo was fired from the NYPD five years after putting Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold during an arrest.
  • Bernie Sanders is running yet again for the 2020 Democratic election after failing to secure a spot in the 2016 election. Currently the polls show Uncle Bernie, as he’s been deemed by millennials, is at 15% approval, just after Biden at 29%. He’s gone up 1 point about 14% since late June, hopefully the video with Cardi B can boost his favor amongst young people, but so far it doesn’t look like it. His website is and in typical Sanders fashion, on the first page he name drops Trump and says he cannot take him down alone.
  • In the past it was thought best for celebrities to avoid politics, however Cardi is amongst a long list of those whom have openly bashed Trump. We all remember Cardi B threatening to “dog walk” political commentator Tomi Lahren in January after Lahren attacked her for her scathing video against the then, longest government shut down in history.

To watch the full video and see more of the discussion, check out Bernie x Cardi B on YouTube posted by the Bernie Sanders’ YouTube channel.