Sen. Martha McSally proposes making domestic terrorism a federal crime

The Arizona Senator proposed a bill that would allow prosecutors to pursue federal charges against domestic terrorists.

What We Know:

  • McSally is a Republican and an Air Force veteran. She stated, “Domestic terrorism is in our backyard and we need to call it and treat it under the law the same as other forms of terrorism.”
  • “For too long we have allowed those who commit heinous acts of domestic terrorism to be charged with related crimes that don’t portray the full scope of their hateful actions. That stops with my bill. The bill I am introducing will give federal law enforcement the tools they have asked for so that they can punish criminals to the fullest extent of the law,” she said.
  • This comes after 31 people were killed in two mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. The El Paso shooting is being treated as a domestic terrorist attack.
  • The bill will also include an “assessment of the domestic terrorism threat, including connections between domestic extremism and acts of terrorism committed abroad and an analysis of incidents or attempted incidents of domestic terrorism that have occurred in the United States,” CBS reported.
  • The bill is another tactic lawmakers have proposed to combat mass shootings. Donald Trump has proposed stricter background checks and expanding “red flag” laws, which enable law enforcement to seize firearms from individuals who display troubling behavior.
  • The senator added, “As someone who fought terrorism overseas, I understand the importance of calling out terrorism wherever it is.”

This sounds like a decent proposal. We will continue to follow this story and update as needed.