John Hickenlooper Ends Presidential Campaign & Announces Possible Run for Colorado Senate

After two rounds of Democratic presidential debates, John Hickenlooper has decided to pull out of the presidential race.

What We Know:

  • In a video released on social media, Hickenlooper announced that he will no longer be pursing the position of President. As the former two-term governor of Colorado, Hickenlooper has been encouraged to run for Colarado’s Senate seat instead.

  • In the video, Hickenlooper did hint at the idea of possibly taking up the offer to run for Senate. “I intend to give that some serious thought.”
  • An anonymous source told FOX News that Senator Chuck Schumer is one of the people that is pushing John Hickenlooper towards the Senate seat. “Schumer made the point that if the governor were to run for the Senate, he would be a total hero…The governor could be the firewall between Mitch McConnell remaining as Senate majority leader and the Democrats taking back the Senate.”
  • The Senate seat might be better fit for Hickenlooper, who struggled to gain the same popularity in comparison to some of the bigger named presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. He only raised around $1 million for his campaign between April and June. This gives him a slim chance of possibly reaching the Democratic National thresholds, 130,000 individual donors and at least 2% in four qualifying polls, to make it to the next set of debates in October.

The GOP currently controls the Senate 53-47 and the Democrats are hoping that they can regain the majority soon.