Georgia Teen Wins Doodle for Google Contest with Message of Thanks for Mom

Eighteen-year-old Arantza Peña Popo won the 2019 Doodle for Google competition. In response to Google’s 2019 doodle prompt “When I grow up,…”, Arantza Peña Popo drew her caring for her mother when they both get older.

What We Know:

  • Popo’s doodle was titled “Once you get it, give it back.”
  • Peña Popo explains that the doodle is of “a framed picture of my mother carrying me as a baby (a real picture in my house) and below the picture is me, caring for her when she’s older in the future.”
  • While in her home she was inspired to do her artwork, although, during her senior year, she was hitting a “massive art block”.
  •  “I came up with the idea at the last minute, actually the day of the deadline,” she said. “I looked at the photograph of my mother (the real version that inspired the drawing) and thought, ‘Hey, why don’t I reverse it?’ I wanted to focus more on a message of helping out my awesome mother more than anything else.”
  • Her artwork will replace the Google logo on for a day. She will also receive a $30,000 college scholarship, along with a tour of Google’s headquarters.

Peña Popo reminds us to keep up the cycle of good with our parents and elders.