Kamala Harris Continues to Fall in Polls

Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris continues to fall in democratic primary polling, while Elizabeth Warren sees increased support.

What We Know:

  • Democratic primary polling shifted following last week’s Democratic debates on CNN, and Harris now finds herself behind Joe Biden, Warren and Bernie Sanders in most polls. Harris had seen a jump in polling following her attack on Joe Biden in the first debate. CNN had her polling second behind Biden, but she has been steadily on the decline ever since.
  • Polling shows that Biden and Sanders remain steady in their polling with little surge; The former vice president still holds a hefty lead for the Democratic nomination. Warren, on the other hand, saw an increase in popularity; a Monmouth University Survey showed that Warren is up seven percent since April polling.
  • Many are reading these polling changes as proof that these seemingly overwhelmed and exhausted debates are actually swaying voter opinion; Vanity Fair reported that primary polling changes following the debate generally line up with public reaction to the debate itself. As Warren sees an increase of support in the primary race, Politico found that 44 percent of voters said Warren did an “excellent” job in the debate.
  • Harris took part in night two of the Democratic primary debate with Biden, Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Jay Inslee, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Michael Bennet. Harris took some heat from Gabbard during the debate for her history as a prosecutor with marijuana, referencing a 2010 scandal in which Harris’s office failed to disclose information to defendants, landing 1,000 drug-related defendants in jail for marijuana violations.

This debate, along with confusing policy, has landed Kamala well below frontrunner Biden and allowed Warren to pull ahead in primary polling.