Donald Trump Rolling in the Fanfare for Fourth of July

President Donald Trump is really showing out for the Fourth of July Thursday in Washington, D.C.

What We Know: 

  • The festivities will be held a Lincoln Memorial and is open to all (VIPs and allies will get special seating). There will be tanks on display as well as the Air Force Ones and The Blue Angels doing a special flyover.
  • There are also unusual changes when it comes to commercial flying as well — The airspace around Washington, DC, will close twice on the 4th of July.
  • It normally does not close at all, but moving the fireworks display launch site closer to the river and adding the aircraft flyovers meant these measures had to be put in place. The closures will impact nearly 100 scheduled flights, according to a CNN review of flight records.
  • Trump will be giving a speech before the fireworks pop off, leading to them also being moved from the front of Lincoln Memorial to West Potomac Park.
  • The show will also be longer this year, with the fireworks lasting 35 minutes instead of the usual 20.
  • Despite the fun activities around Thursday, protests have been approved by the National Park Service — including the “Baby Trump” balloon and USS John McCain T-shirts.

One thing is for sure — this will definitely be an event to remember.