Former President Jimmy Carter States Investigation would show Trump as Illegitimate President

The 94-year-old voiced his opinions about President Trump during a panel at the Carter Center on Friday.

What We Know:

  • Former President Jimmy Carter said, “I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”

  • He was asked by the panel moderator, Jon Meacham, if he thinks Trump is an “illegitimate president.” He responded, “Based on what I just said, which I can’t retract, I would say yes.”

  • This is one of the first public remarks the former President has made about Trump.
  • His comments likely stem from the report special counsel Robert Mueller released on April 18. The report detailed Russian interference in the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump, but the investigation did not find evidence of conspiracy.

  • USA Today reported, “the Russians bought $100,000 Facebook ads and bombarded Twitter accounts that boosted Trump and disparaged the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.” They also hacked into private email accounts and used social media to promote Trump.

It’s safe to say Jimmy Carter isn’t a big fan of Trump’s.