Sisters Cheesecake Business Started During Gov’t Shutdown Land Walmart Deal

A small cheesecake business blows up as two sisters land a deal with Walmart. 

What We Know:

  • During the government shutdown, Nikki Howard and Jaqui Wright opened “Furlough Cheesecake.” Obviously the goal was to make a little extra money but the business took off instead. “We went from a bake sale to a business within a week,” Howard explained. 
  • The sisters sold thousands of cheesecakes. One of their customers was Ellen who bought her cheesecake for $20,000.
  • As the business grew, the Walmart deal came soon after. Mahisha Dellinger, CEO of Curls Beauty Brands, heard of the sisters’ success and reached out to them. The ladies obviously hit it off because during the meeting she connected the sisters with the decision makers at Walmart. 
  • In August, “Furlough Cheesecake” will be available in 100 Walmarts throughout the Washington area. “We’re so very excited we’re able to share a slice of the smile,” Howard said. The ladies are beyond excited that their cakes will be sold at the superstore.
  • The ladies had been ready for their big break, but they didn’t know cheesecake would be the answer. “As a family we are dreamers and we have had this excitement and expectation for years. We could taste it but we didn’t know it was cheesecake,” Wright said. 
  • Since the take off of the business, the sisters have quit their government jobs and are running “Furlough Cheesecake” full time. 

Congratulations to the duo, we wish them well with the expansion of their business.