Senator Amy Klobuchar Releases First 100 Days Plan

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar released her plan for the first 100 days as President should she be elected.

What We Know…

  • The plan includes over 100 actions she would take to tackle issues of democracy both domestic and abroad. She explained she would immediately work ambitiously “to improve our health care, combat climate change, pursue economic justice and shared prosperity, and build a stronger democracy and safer world.”
  • The 18-page document focuses mainly on executive power and actions she could accomplish despite a Republican Senate majority.
  • On day one, Klobuchar said the first thing she will do is get the United States back in the International Climate Agreement, immediately allow for the safe importation of prescription drugs from other countries and fill judicial vacancies by nominating well-qualified judges.
  • The list also mentions suspending Trump’s efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, restoring American relations with foreign allies, protect voting rights and work on cybersecurity.
  • An aide told the New York Times the list was constructed by looking at what actions taken by the Trump administration needed to be overturned and what policies from former-President Barack Obama could be resurrected.
  • Klobuchar has been polling in the low single digits in the Democratic primary race for the 2020 presidential campaign. Rolling Stone ranks Klobuchar at eighth in the 2020 Democratic Primary under Beto O’Rourke. They ranked Joe Biden as first.
  • One of Klobuchar’s competitors, Senator Elizabeth Warren has also released detailed plans for her time as President mainly focused on rebuilding the American economy.

Klobuchar’s detailed list may help her pull ahead in the primary.