Trump’s new climate policy will cause more damage

The Trump administration finalized a climate policy rollback that could possibly cause more pollution and premature deaths.

What We Know:

  • The new policy requires the US power certificate is 2030 carbon omissions by 35%. According to the Washington Post, 35% is less than half of what is needed to avoid a possible catastrophic warming of the planet. This policy comes at a time where many companies are tirelessly trying to find solutions to global warming. This policy also reverses the Clean Power Plan, a program the Obama administration started in 2015. This plan’s goal was to force the power sectors to switch from coal to lower carbon fuels such as natural gas, solar and wind.
  •  The new policy gives states the individual power to decide how much they want to scale back on emissions, if at all. This policy has the potential to make the environment worse and some states refuse to let that happen. Attorneys in California, Oregon, Washington State, Iowa, Colorado and New York plan to sue in an effort to block this policy.
  • The new policy has no targets for other states to reach, therefore there is nothing to regulate if there are any changes being made. Although it is a policy that is supposed to support the environment, it’s predicted that it’ll do the opposite.  Environmental groups predict that the new policy will slow the reduction of greenhouse gases at a time where they need to be reduced rapidly.
  • Despite Trump’s new policy, major energy companies have pledged to cut emissions by 20 percent. These companies include, American Electric Power, DTE, Duke Energy and Southern Co.

This program is set to begin within the next 30 days.