Police Advocacy group wants Dallas police chief ousted: ‘She’s in over her head’

On Wednesday June 12, the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization’s Dallas Chapter called for the “immediate removal” of Chief Renee Hall. 

What We Know:

  • In a news conference, the NLLEO—which represents 1,400 of the Dallas Police Department’s 2,900 officers—called Chief Hall “incompetent” and said that she should step down because “she’s in over her head”
  • Director and founder of NLLEO  George Aranda said, “She fails to listen to rank-and-file she doesn’t wanna take any advice from the organizations I mean we are the pulse of the police department.”
  • Hall was hired to serve as police chief in 2017 and leaders of the organization said that since then, there has been an increase in violent crime in Dallas. They also pointed out the controversial comments she made regarding the increase as well, saying that some people are “forced to commit violent acts” due to lack of resources and opportunities. Hall clarified her comment and asked the pastoral community to “teach people how to resolve disputes without violence and find opportunities without resorting to crime.”
  • Officers also said that Hall does not have their “best interest” at heart after demoting assistant chiefs that were well-liked. They also accused her of siding against officers in the Amber Guyger shooting of Botham Jean.
  • A rally was held by Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Casey Thomas Friday evening at Dallas Police Headquarters, which a number of community members and faith leaders attended to show support of Chief Hall.

City manager, T.C. Broadnax released a statement in support of Hall, stating that through Chief Hall’s leadership she improved certain aspects within and outside of the Dallas police department and has full confidence in her ability to continue to lead the department.