Mississippi Restaurant Employee Fired After Racist Slur on Receipt

An employee at a Mississippi restaurant “Who Dat’s” has been fired and banned from the property after printing a racist slur on the receipt of Alexis Washington.

What We Know:

  • Washington, an African-American woman, was picking up food with her friend at the restaurant when she looked at the receipt and was in shock.
  • The receipt read “Black b*tches in silver car.” She then immediately reported the receipt and the manager made the employee apologize. However, Washington went on to discuss the incident on Facebook.
  • Washington told the Clarion Ledger that at first, she was not going to share this experience online, but the restaurant had done nothing to remedy the situation, even after she sent messages to higher personnel at the restaurant.
  • Washington claims she requested that the employee who printed the slur on the receipt be fired, as she felt “racially ridiculed and demeaned as an African American Female.”
  • In a Facebook post, Washington said “I seek justice for this hate crime and I will no longer remain silent…I’ve lived in Oxford for 5 years and I’m still having to deal with this type of ignorance…I was not rude when I was at this establishment and was greeted with this kind of service. I will not stand for it.”

  • The restaurant finally responded after the post, assuring her that the employee had been fired. The manager of the restaurant, Wylie Coleman, even met with Washington face to face to show his remorse and talk about the situation.

  • In his own post, Coleman called the racist receipt “no joke” and “a vivid insult describing oppression which stabs four-five immediate generations.” He said he couldn’t explain the employee’s action and that it “did not represent us as a business or [personally].”

Hopefully this type of situation doesn’t happen again at the restaurant and other restaurants take note.