Beyoncé Fans Go Ballistic on Warriors co-owners Wife

A video of Beyoncé and Jay-Z at the third game of the NBA Finals quickly went viral when Nicole Curran, wife of Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob, was shown leaning over Beyoncé to talk to the rapper.

What We Know:

  • The beyhive is always on high alert and quick to defend their queen. When the video and pictures went viral, it wasn’t long before they swarmed Curran’s comment section with bee emojis. Curran said she even started to receive death threats, which ultimately led her to deactivating her Instagram.
  • ESPN’s senior writer Ramona Shelburne, shared the conversation she had with Curran via Twitter, who tearfully explained she was only asking if the rapper wanted a lime with his drink. Shelburne confirmed that Curran leaned over so she could hear the rapper better.
  • Curran has invited the two to games several times before that. “There was no hostility. I was trying to be a good hostess,” she added. “I’ve never experienced cyberbullying like this. I can’t believe our players go through this. That kids go through this.”
  • In an attempt to silence the buzz, Beyoncé Publicist Yvette Noel-Schumer responded to the Beyhive in a post via Instagram saying “I know your love runs deep but that love has to be given to every human. It will bring no joy to the person you love so much  if you spew hate in her name.”

Beyoncé and Jay-Z have not publicly responded to the reaction around the photo.