Chris Brown Accused of Stealing Artists’ Work for ‘Wobble Up’ Video

Chris Brown’s recent video is receiving backlash for using artists’ work without consent.

What We Know:

  • German Artist Marius Sperlich has accused Brown of copying his artwork. According to Yahoo! News, Sperlich took the images Brown recreated in his video and said that the two of his artworks had been used without credit. One image of a breast with a temperature dial covering the nipple, another, a butt poking out of the water as a tropical island.
  • Sperlich said, “With no credit, there are no creatives. Band together to bring awareness to all of the arts. Intellectual property has to be protected at any cost! Now that the internet and social media proliferate content instantly. We need to make sure that the creative source is present from the first launch. This, unfortunately, happens often in the creative industry.”
  • Plagiarizing these images will cause Brown a lot of legal issues in the near future,  he’s not only stolen Sperlich artwork but many others as well. For instance, the lemon breast with nipple rings was stolen from Vanessa Mckeown.
  • “Nobody cares about creation, originals, and credit anymore. Especially if you are a young and emerging artist. Most can’t afford a lawyer for a lawsuit. So most of them remain silent. We won’t’ stay silent,” Sperlich said.
  • Instead of Brown doing it the right way the first time, he’s going to be coming out of his pockets to fix his mistakes.

I always put myself in someone else’s shoes. I would love to know how would  Brown feel if someone snippets a piece of his song without acknowledging him and or signing a release form, then using it as their own? He wouldn’t like that too much. I hope he learned his lesson.