Eric Holder Sees ‘Grounds For Impeachment’ in Mueller Report

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said he believes “there are grounds for impeachment” in The Mueller Report about President Donald Trump’s 2016 election.

What We Know…

  • The report, formally titled the Report on Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, was submitted to Attorney General William Bar and released earlier this year. It is divided into two volumes and is around 500 pages long.
  • Volume 1 of the report says that Russian interference in the election “violated US criminal law,” through social media campaigns and computer hacking.
  • Volume 2 of the report details how Trump obstructed justice throughout the investigation by trying to control the investigation, though it explains he largely failed at these efforts. Congress has the power to decide whether or not Trump obstructed justice.
  • Holder believes the basis to impeach Trump lies primarily in volume 2 because “there’s no question that obstruction of justice does exist in the findings that Bob Mueller reported, and in painstaking detail.”
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expanded on this at an event at the Georgetown University Law Center that Trump “every day gives grounds for impeachment.” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also publicly supported impeachment following the Mueller Report.
  • The popular movement “Need To Impeach,” which is backed by billionaire Tom Sayer and millions of citizen signatures, is releasing adds that express frustration with the lack of action following the Mueller Report.
  • Pelosi and many other politicians have insisted impeachment is not a good idea for the country; Impeachment is incredibly divisive and time-consuming.

Impeachment is a divisive issue that doesn’t fall clearly down political lines, it will certainly take a lot to see an actual impeachment of Trump.